

11 July, 2017

CIH awarded HIDROMANTA I Hydroelectric Project in Peru

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Cobra Infraestructuras Hidráulicas has signed with BOW POWER, S.A., owner of the Hidromanta I Hydroelectric Project, an agreement for the execution of the Project under Engineering, Procurement and Construction, for an initial amount of B and an execution period of 22 months.

The final objective of the project is to generate electricity with the construction of a hydroelectric power plant, taking advantage of a section of the river Manta.

The project comprises a dam or weir, with a lateral intake, which collects a maximum flow of 7.50 m3/s. This flow is channelled to a two-opening desander through a concrete channel. After the desander and the conveyance channel, the water is taken through a trunk tunnel approximately 2 km in length and a rectangular concrete channel, which empties into the load chamber. Next, the 1,300mm-diameter forced piping begins, which ends at the machinery shed with a splitter.

The length of all pipes, from the intake to the machinery shed is approximately 4.00 km. The design flow for the machinery shed is 6.00 m3/s, and the gross height of the fall from the load chamber is 407.00 m. These conditions provide 19.80 MW of power by means of two Pelton turbines.

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