

1 October, 2018


Proyectos Obtenidos
Presupuesto Cobra
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The Grand Solar project was born from the desire to make a quantitative leap forward in the technology applied to thermal solar plants with concentration towers. The objective of the project was to develop new technologies to perfect heliostat (sun tracker) specifications, in concentration tower thermal solar plants. The final aim is to create models that will lead to the development of power plants with a capacity of 100 MW or more.

The general objectives were:Research and development into heliostats with “0” spacing and a greater net surface area.

To increase the distance from the receiving tower to 1500 meters in contrast to the 800 meters achieved with the older technology.

The development of a series of characterization tools for heliostats in relation to the surface area and the possible the deformations produced by wind and gravity as well as the distance from the target tower.

Bearing in mind the peculiarities of the new development in terms of size, wind resistance and the effects of gravity and the distance to the target, it was necessary to have a complete characterization that ensured correct functioning.

The proposed characterization system was based on a ray tracing program that allow the optimization of each heliostat, by taking as reference chosen heliostats and their position in relation to the tower and in the design phase through the optimum configuration for collecting of energy.

COBRA has great experience in the installation of electric power plants and in particular in solar energy and as such led in the aspects of installation of the large size heliostats, those with a surface area of 2 by 1.6 m, each with its own edge and reflection characteristics.

“The project was co-financed by the CDTI in Spain”.
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