

11 October, 2018


Proyectos Obtenidos
Presupuesto Cobra
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 Advanced Modular Compensator System for the control of high-voltage transmission networks with ultra-capacitors.

The aim of the AMCOS project is to facilitate the development of an efficient European electricity transmission network. It seeks to provide an efficient technological solution for stakeholders responsible for guaranteeing the quality and stability of the electricity system. The solutions proposed by AMCOS will contribute to providing an innovative response to the technical and technological needs of electricity transmission networks from an economic, social and environmental perspective. /p>

The objects of the project are to design, build, test and certify a compact modular prototype of a hybrid FACTS device, applicable to electricity transmission networks with fast integrated storage systems, ultra-capacitors or other technologies with similar voltage compensation and frequency characteristics. This integration with fast response storage systems will permit the tackling of problems of stability in the electricity network that arise from the connection and disconnection of high voltage equipment.

Las siguientes características innovadoras están incluidas dentro del proyecto AMCOS: solución compacta, modularidad, fiabilidad, capacidad de control inteligente. En el proyecto se incluyen los últimos avances del estado de la técnica de dispositivos electrónicos de potencia junto con métodos innovadores y rentables para mejorar la eficiencia de la red.

The following innovative characteristics form a part of the AMCOS project: a compact solution, modularity, reliability, capacity for intelligent control. The project includes the latest advances in the state of the art in power electronics together with innovative and profitable methods for the improvement of network efficiency.
The AMCOS project, with a solid base of previous testing and development at lower voltage and power levels, aims to achieve a TRL6 development level and the ability to demonstrate the functionality of the system in laboratory conditions that are similar to those found in a real operating situation. To this end AMCOS focuses on three main pillars: planning, operating and system components.

“Project co-financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the CDTI and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).”
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