

11 October, 2018


Proyectos Obtenidos
Presupuesto Cobra
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Biomass solar micro generator for residual use.

The general aim of this project resides in the development of a compact micro-trigeneration system using biomass waste from tree pruning and agroindustrial waste as its principal fuel, hybridized with concentration solar power technology for distributed generation of heat and cold electrical energy. The system should be compact, modular and scalable within the range of micro and small power generation in such a way that all of its components can be contained in one or various containers as easily interconnecting modules.

The developments undertaken in this project can be implemented in any part of the world with access to agricultural waste and biomass. It is especially interesting in situations where there exists an intense seasonal demand for energy and in isolated outposts where the distribution networks are inadequate and the transport of other fuel such as gas or diesel creates a difficult logistical problem. It is here where distributed power generation is most efficient

The principal clients for the system will be the food processing industry located in remotes places and with difficult access to electricity (which has a negative impact on the prices of their products). The waste products from these industries will be the raw materials that can be used for power production.

This project is being carried out by the consortium led by COBRA with the participation of GAMMA SOLUTIONS, MARLE, AUSCULTIA y GESTIONA GLOBAL.

“The project is supported by the CDTI, co-financed by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.”
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