

1 October, 2018


Proyectos Obtenidos
Presupuesto Cobra
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Crossbow is a project is led by ETRA, with the participation a further 24 European members, among them industrial companies, electronic systems operators, battery suppliers, universities and R&D centers. COBRA forms part of this consortium and  leads the work packages 2.2 + 8.3. These working groups will undertake the designs of new hybrid power plants (wind, PV and batteries etc.) and tests on a new flow battery. Furthermore the operating plan and the business models for the results will be drawn up. Crossbow fosters the use of shared resources to promote the cross-border operating of renewable energies and storage units thus allowing a greater penetration of clean energies and at the same time reducing network operating costs. The object is to demonstrate that a variety of different but complementary technologies can offer systems operators greater flexibility and reliability:
1) Through an improved control over the cross-border average energy balance at the point of connection.

2) Through new storage solutions both distributed and centralized, that offer auxiliary services for the purpose of virtual storage plants (VSP).

3) Solutions TIC for an improved monitoring of networks that allow flexible production and DSM.

4) The specification of a transnational wholesale market that fosters a fair and sustainable profit for clean energy through the definition of new business models that promote the entry of new participants and the reduction of costs.

COBRA undertook the design for new hybrid plants combining different types of energy generation technology (photo voltaic, wind power,  hydraulic, biogas turbines / gas with HYSOL) and energy storage technology (lithium and flow batteries, hydraulic pumping storage).

COBRA also undertook a flow battery demonstrator to test performance in laboratory conditions. This included the evaluation of the increase in electricity produced by the battery and it’s scalability from KWh to GWh.

Further responsibilities included:

1) The development of simulation tools for the creation of an electricity production profile aimed at assessing the commercial competitiveness of the energy storage technologies.

2) Plans for commercialization.

3) Business innovation strategies.

4) Contribution to the development of the normative.

5) Creating business models for the regional control centers and new plans for the development of hybrids.

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