

1 October, 2018


Proyectos Obtenidos
Presupuesto Cobra
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New solutions for floating platforms and innovative technology associated with the energy evacuation and network integration for floating maritime wind farms.

FLOCAN TO GRID emerges as a strategy for the investigation and development of the technical and economic viability of two floating technologies at full scale in addition to that of the necessary energy evacuation infrastructure and subsequent integration in the power grid in typical operating conditions along with the tools needed to define the operational logistics associated with the life cycle of an infrastructure located in an adverse environment.

The technologies to be developed in the project are robust, efficient, floating solutions for turbines from 5MW to 8MW for deeper water usage and aimed at mass production. These will minimize the operations in deep sea environments with human, economic and environmental risks. In addition, by having two solutions, all the necessary elements for the general power evacuation from an offshore farm will be studied, differing from other ad-hoc defined evacuation solutions for a single prototype. In this way, all concepts will be integrated in the global development for operations associated with multi-megawatt wind production in deep water as a new sustainable and renewable resource.

The results of this project are aimed at developing the first experimental marine wind farm, called FLOCAN5, located in the Canary Islands. The innovation associated with the project will be technically and economically viable in the medium term, with the aim of achieving market acceptance and of fostering the creation of highly valuable knowledge and new competitive industrial capacities associated with the priorities of  Objective Horizon 2020.

The consortium led by COBRA Instalaciones y Servicios,  provides a response to the needs of the sector through this strategic positioning in this new industry.

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