

11 October, 2018


Proyectos Obtenidos
Presupuesto Cobra
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The design of a new structural solution for hydraulic tunnels in karst terrain.

The structural solution is based on the construction of a tubular steel lining located in the interior of the current tunnel, supported throughout its length over a concrete bed of geometric characteristics. In order to resist the forces caused as a consequence of the horizontal changes indirection through the pipeline, concrete ribs were designed and located at points that coincided with the changes of the direction of the pipeline. Finally longitudinal anchor points between the pipeline and the existing tunnel were added to both ends of the tubing.



  • The development of new efficient construction processes aimed to overcoming the problems of stability caused by the tensile state of stress suffered in cross sections of a tunnel constructed in karst terrains and to optimize the hydraulic flow conditions.


  • The reduction of head loss caused by friction in conduction.
  • The reduction of costs related to grout injection inside the tunnels.

Strategic and commercial:

  • The consolidation of COBRA Infrastructuras Hidráulicas in national and international tendering.
  • Positioning of COBRA Infraestructuras Hidráulicas as a reference in the construction and operation of hydroelectric infrastructures.


  • Pipelines formed by two 7,3 km tunnels with cross sections of between 14,86 m² and 29 m². A 18.3 m high, 75 m long, and 13,000 m³ concrete dam.
  • Construction of 1,180 m of a rectangular canal measuring 7.20 x 4.5 m.
  • Regulating reservoir and sand trap with a capacity for 78,000 m³.
  • Installation of 400 m of steel pipe with a diameter of 3,400 mm.
  • Power plant with 4 Pelton generatos of 28 MW each.
  • 230 kV substation and a 40 km long, 230 kV transmission line.

COBRA was responsible for the power plant construction starting the second phase, Renace II.

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