
COBRA Group has specialized teams that actively work on the development of innovation, exploring new ideas that improve processes and generate new businesses, until transforming them into R&D&I projects. Its innovation projects are a reference in the development of solutions for the renewable energy, electricity, hydraulic installations and infrastructure sectors.


The R&D Management System aims to encourage and channel the creativity, effort and practical application of the daily experience of all our workers towards this objective of greater value creation, in an efficient and orderly manner, facilitating the contribution of everyone in the Corporate Social Responsibility of Grupo COBRA.


Innovation projects

Promoting technologies and methods to improve efficiency and global competitiveness.

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Modular photoelectrolyzer

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Modular photoelectrolyzer


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DISTECH2: Disruptive Technologies for H2 Generation and Use

The DISTECH2 project develops an innovative approach to green hydrogen production through the design of a new generation of modular quasi-solid-state photoelectrolyzers, operating in continuous flow and under solar concentration. This system enables the direct production of hydrogen from water and solar energy, without the need for external electrical power.

The DISTECH2 technology combines advanced components such as semiconductor electrodes and polymer electrolyte membranes (PEM) to maximize solar light capture and conversion efficiency. Additionally, it incorporates compact "zero-gap" (0G-PEC) reactors with innovative design features, including direct dry hydrogen production and strategies for heat and light management.

A distinctive feature of the project is the integration of the generated hydrogen into advanced technologies, such as solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), which enable the conversion of hydrogen into electricity with high efficiency and usable heat.DISTECH2 addresses the entire chain of technological development, from basic research to validation in a real-world environment.

The project begins with the definition of technological and functional requirements for photoelectrochemical reactors, followed by the research and development of advanced photoactive materials and catalysts, employing innovative techniques to optimize their efficiency and stability.

The DISTECH2 consortium is led by COBRA and includes key partners such as Naturgy Innovahub S.L. (NATURGY), APRIA Systems S.A., and ISFOC S.L.U. This multidisciplinary consortium combines expertise in research, technological development, and industrial applications to drive progress in disruptive hydrogen technologies.

Partners: COBRA, Naturgy Innovahub S.L. (NATURGY), APRIA Systems S.A., and ISFOC S.L.U.

Recovery Plan for Europe – NextGenerationEU. The project is part of the PERTE (Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation) initiative for renewable energies, renewable hydrogen, and energy storage (ERHA), funded through the Next Generation EU recovery funds.

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Thermal storage

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Thermal storage


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HERCULES introduces an innovative approach to thermal storage of surplus renewable energy through a hybrid thermochemical/sensible thermal storage concept, applied with the help of porous media made of refractory redox metal oxides and electric heating elements. Specific redox oxides are capable of undergoing reversible reduction/oxidation reactions when heated/cooled in direct contact with air, accompanied by endothermic/exothermic thermal effects, respectively. The heating elements use surplus/low-cost renewable electricity (e.g., from photovoltaic, wind, or other renewable sources) to charge the porous storage block made of metal oxide by heating it to a level above the reduction onset temperature of the metal oxide (i.e., the energy storage/charging stage).

Therefore, energy is stored in the porous oxide structure both sensibly and thermo chemically through the endothermic reduction reaction. Later (i.e., on demand), the fully charged system can transfer its energy to a controlled airflow passing through the porous oxide block, initiating the exothermic oxidation of the reduced metal oxide. During this step, a stream of hot air is generated, which can be used to provide usable heat for industrial processes.

These storage systems based on redox oxide materials not only have a much higher energy storage density than conventional sensible types, but they also offer a high discharge temperature range (> 500 ºC), do not require gas storage, and greatly simplify the overall system design and operation.

"This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101104182. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them."

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Offshore wind

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Kincardine, Scotland


Offshore wind


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The goal of the GD_OSWind project is to create a prototype and validate it in a relevant environment, of a Digital Twin for a floating offshore wind platform. This will model the kinematic and dynamic behavior in terms of mechanical stress, strain, and fatigue of the platform structure, with a particular focus on its moorings to the seabed. The project will leverage Artificial Intelligence techniques and IoT technologies. Specifically, the prototype will be validated on one of the floating platforms installed in the Kincardine wind farm.

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Andalucía, Extremadura y Castilla la Mancha




No data



FVPREDICTIVE develops a system for predicting and preventing failures, as well as planning maintenance in photovoltaic energy production facilities. The system includes precise fault identification, anticipation of potential issues, and the simulation and comparison of different scenarios to fully automate and optimize preventive maintenance processes. The system also considers the rescheduling of the Master Schedule of events based on weather conditions, the state of the plant's components, cost savings, customer needs, and a range of additional factors from various sources.

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CSP and Desalination process by direct osmosis and membrane distillation

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Test location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


CSP and Desalination process by direct osmosis and membrane distillation





DESOLINATION es un proyecto de colaboración cuyo objetivo es descarbonizar el proceso de desalinización en las regiones áridas demostrando en un entorno real el acoplamiento eficaz de una planta CSP a un sistema de desalinización por ósmosis directa. Para lograrlo, se utilizará la ósmosis directa (presión osmótica) para inducir un flujo de agua de mar hacia una solución de extracción. En su camino, el agua atravesará una membrana que sólo dejará pasar el agua dulce, pero bloqueará la sal. Utilizando el calor residual de la planta CSP, la solución diluida se calentará hasta que el agua dulce pueda recuperarse a través de una segunda membrana.

"Este proyecto ha recibido financiación del programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea en virtud del acuerdo de subvención nº 101022686"

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Air-Brayton concentrated solar energy cycles using thermochemical heat exchangers based on redox oxides and thermal enhancers

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Air-Brayton concentrated solar energy cycles using thermochemical heat exchangers based on redox oxides and thermal enhancers



ABraytCSPfuture propone una forma innovadora y neutra en carbono de implementar en las futuras plantas CSP los ciclos de generación de energía mediante turbinas de gas Air-Brayton, mucho más eficientes, para lograr una mayor eficiencia de conversión de energía solar en electricidad, vital para la competitividad de las CSP y no alcanzable ni por las centrales fotovoltaicas ni por las de sales fundidas y aceites térmicos, aumentando significativamente al mismo tiempo la capacidad de almacenamiento de las centrales.

"Este proyecto ha recibido financiación del programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte Europa de la Unión Europea en virtud del acuerdo de subvención nº 101084569. No obstante, los puntos de vista y opiniones expresados son exclusivamente los de los autores y no reflejan necesariamente los de las instituciones de la Unión Europea. Ni la Unión Europea ni la autoridad que concede la subvención pueden ser consideradas responsables de las mismas"

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Building-integrated photovoltaics, flow batteries, and energy management

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Building-integrated photovoltaics, flow batteries, and energy management


No data



GENERDIS is an industrial research project focused on investigating new photovoltaic technologies, storage, and energy management for distributed generation. These technological capabilities will be directed towards the digitalization, management, and optimization of resources within energy communities. The project is based on three main pillars:

(1) Optimized management of decentralized energy resources, both for the energy community and the electrical system as a whole, through optimization algorithms and Artificial Intelligence-based systems.

(2) Research into innovative storage technologies for generated energy, including centralized storage at the community level and its digitalization.

(3) Investigation of new materials, methods for maximizing solar resource utilization, and integration into available building surfaces.

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Intelligent AI and IoT Applied to Concentrated Solar Power Plants

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Intelligent AI and IoT Applied to Concentrated Solar Power Plants


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The objective of this project has been the development of a system capable of automating the early detection of leaks in heat collector pipes of concentrated solar power installations, redundantly and through the use of artificial intelligence technologies applied to image recognition, as well as IoT technologies.

This solution involves automating the detection by incorporating a set of elements into the installations that monitor the sensitive components of the entire plant, along with a system capable of processing the generated images and providing real-time and highly reliable alerts of leak production from the very moment they occur.

To carry out this project, we have worked with artificial intelligence technologies, specifically machine learning and deep learning, in combination with IoT technologies that have allowed us to collect both optical element images and information from sensors in the installations, which will act as redundancies or corroborators. Additionally, cloud computing technologies have been utilized for system training tasks. We have successfully connected the information acquisition systems (images and other sensors) with IoT technologies and created training systems in the cloud.

This project has been subsidized by through the 2020 Call for Grants on technological development based on artificial intelligence and other digital enabling technologies, within the framework of the strategic action on digital economy and society of the State R&D&i Program aimed at addressing societal challenges and the State R&D&i Business Leadership Program (C007/20-ED).

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Batteries, Hydrogen, electric vehicles, aggregation platforms, demand management

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Mayotte (Frances)


Batteries, Hydrogen, electric vehicles, aggregation platforms, demand management






MAESHA H2020 project, lasting 48 months and with a budget of 11.8 million euros, will demonstrate smart and flexible solutions for a decarbonized energy future in the French island of Mayotte, while other European islands - Wallis and Futuna Islands, St Barthélémy, Canary Islands, Favignana, Gozo - will study the replicability potential.

In order to decrease the high dependency on imported fossil fuels of the 2400 islands within the European Union and the resulting high energy cost, renewable energies represent one key technology for these insular territories. Launched in November 2020, the project MAESHA will deploy the necessary flexibility, storage, and energy management solutions for a large penetration of renewable energies in the energy systems of islands, rich in solar, wind and biomass resources.

MAESHA will develop an innovative smart platform aggregating multiple flexibility services to the grid that will help to reach up to 70-100% of renewable energies penetration. Beyond the sole electric grid, the partners will seek to create synergies with other networks (heat and cold, transportation …) and involve local communities especially in Mayotte to ensure the adequation of the envisioned actions with population needs and increase citizen awareness.

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Renewable Energy - Photovoltaic

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Manchasol TC Innovation Cluster


Renewable Energy - Photovoltaic





SERENDI-PV proposes innovations towards two main pillars:

(1) Increased lifetime, reliability, performance and profitability of PV generation;

(2) Utility-friendly high-penetration of the PV generation in the grids with improved stability, smart communication between stakeholders and increased knowledge of the PV fleet management.

SERENDI-PV will develop:

  • Advanced PV modelling
  • Simulation and design tools
  • Monitoring data analytics for fault diagnostic and improved O&M
  • Lab and field testing Quality Control (QC) equipment and procedures for better assessment of the reliability of PV components and systems.

The innovations will be developed with particular attention to the new PV applications that are becoming increasingly relevant on the market, such as bifacial PV, floating PV and BIPV.


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Big data applied to PV O&M and renewable asset management

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Big data applied to PV O&M and renewable asset management





SYNERGY develops a platform for management, analysis and data exchange for the energy sector. This platform includes a marketplace with analysis capacity that uses artificial intelligence available to all stakeholders in the electricity value chain.

COBRA's objective in this project is to position the group as a reference in photovoltaic O&M by developing predictive maintenance tools to improve plant performance.

The SYNERGY project will develop forecasting tools for the production of renewable energies to improve their profitability in the electricity market.

SYNERGY will position COBRA as a signatory of PPA's with large consumers to alleviate the financial risk of renewable producers and at the same time reduce the electricity bill of customers. COBRA's role will be as a renewable operator, software developer, asset manager and market agent.

Project website:

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EDOX organic lignin-based flow battery

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Installation in the Maritime Port of Ibiza


EDOX organic lignin-based flow battery





The BALITH project focuses on developing a new organic REDOX flow battery suitable for operating temperatures up to 80°C. Conventional REDOX flow batteries are designed to operate at temperatures up to 40°C; however, the battery generates heat and requires a cooling system to prevent electrolyte degradation or battery malfunction. This cooling consumes energy and consequently reduces the overall efficiency of the battery. Thus, this new technology will allow operation at temperatures of up to 80°C without the need for cooling.

Project website:

Download project: Balith

Download project: BALIHT Leaflet

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Batteries, Integration of renewables, Development of energy communities

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Batteries, Integration of renewables, Development of energy communities





Decentralisation of electricity generation also requires decentralised and economic solutions to integrate more renewable energy sources, increase security of supply and decarbonise the future European energy system. The MERLON project proposes the development of energy communities by combining and integrating decentralised storage with renewable technologies such as photovoltaic solar energy for the optimisation of the energy system, including demand response, optimisation of electric vehicle charging and synergies with other energy carriers at local level, offering flexibility to ensure optimal grid management. COBRA leads the design engineering of battery electric storage solutions, develops the control software and performs its grid-connected operation. During the project these batteries will be installed together with photovoltaic solar energy installations in Spain and Austria in order to provide flexible electricity generation and distribution.

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O&M for offshore wind farms Offshore wind energy

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O&M for offshore wind farms Offshore wind energy





Offshore wind energy has a number of advantages over terrestrial technologies as it is possible to find locations with greater wind resource. In addition, offshore conditions allow the installation of larger and more powerful wind turbines. However, it is still necessary to continue reducing costs in manufacturing, installation, operation and maintenance.

Regarding O&M operations, the marine environment entails more severe conditions during its useful life, which is why WATEREYE sets corrosion as a key point for cost reduction in offshore wind farms as these costs can represent up to 30% of the LCOE (in 2030 an estimated LCOE of 70 €/MWh). In addition, other risks associated with corrosion are structural failures and downtime due to repairs.

The main objective of the WATEREYE Project is Maintenance-Predictive, i.e. to obtain the necessary tools for the detection and prediction of future failures. This project basically follows 3 main lines.

  1. Development of a monitoring system capable of remotely calculating the level of corrosion in specific areas.
  2. Development of algorithms for the control of wind turbines as well as the global control of the whole plant.
  3. Development of high precision ultrasound sensors to measure corrosion in real time. As well as a robust "wireless" communication system specially designed for marine conditions. In addition, a drone will be designed to monitor the surfaces from inside the tower.

These proposals will be validated by means of tests and simulations that allow to verify the functionality and efficiency of the developed systems.

Web  Watereye:

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Offshore Wind

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Offshore Wind


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Floating offshore wind is still a nascent technology and its LCOE is substantially higher than onshore and bottom-fixed offshore wind, and thus requires to be drastically reduced. The COREWIND project aims to achieve significant cost reductions and enhance performance of floating wind technology through the research and optimization of mooring and anchoring systems and dynamic cables. These enhancements arisen within the project will be validated by means of simulations and experimental testing both in the wave basin tanks and the wind tunnel by taking as reference two concrete-based floater concepts (semi-submersible and spar) supporting large wind turbines (15 MW), installed at water depths greater than 40 m and 90 m for the semi-submersible and spar concept, respectively. It is aimed that the resulting recommendations will facilitate the cost-competitiveness of floating offshore wind energy, reducing risks and uncertainties and contributing to lower LCOE estimates. COREWIND aims to strength the European Leadership on wind power technology (and specially floating). To do so, the project consortium has been designed to ensure proper collaboration between all


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Offshore Wind

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Offshore Wind





“The main objective of FLOTANT project is to develop the conceptual and basic engineering, including performance tests of the mooring and anchoring systems and the dynamic cable to improve cost-efficiency, increased flexibility and robustness to a hybrid concrete-plastic floating structure implemented for DWWF.

Innovative solutions will be designed to be deployed in water depths from 100m to 600m, optimizing the LCOE of the floating solution (85-95 €/MWh by 2030).

FLOTANT is a collaborative project funded by EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 under the Grant Agreement nº 815289. It is composed of 17 partners from 8 European countries.

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Electronic power converters. HVDC Systems and FACTS devices

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Electronic power converters. HVDC Systems and FACTS devices


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The project revolves around the development, design, construction, testing and validation of a high-powered electronic converter with noteworthy characteristics of modularization and scalability. The design is based on FACTS, PEBB and IPM technologies, advanced control strategies and operation within the HVDC framework. An experimental prototype of outstanding commercial interest has been developed, built and tested for application to electricity distribution networks.

The technical objectives that are highlighted by this project are the mastery of high-power electronic converter technology, HVDC systems and FACTS components. Also worthy of mention are the knowledge and formulation of methods, analysis models,  information processing, the acquisition of skills and in general, the mastery of support technology for the transmission, distribution, control and efficient management of electrical energy.

“This project has been developed in collaboration with Green Power Technologies (coordinator of the consortium) and has been backed by the Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA) and the Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA.”

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Biomass solar micro-trigeneration

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Biomass solar micro-trigeneration


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Biomass solar micro generator for residual use.

The general aim of this project resides in the development of a compact micro-trigeneration system using biomass waste from tree pruning and agroindustrial waste as its principal fuel, hybridized with concentration solar power technology for distributed generation of heat and cold electrical energy. The system should be compact, modular and scalable within the range of micro and small power generation in such a way that all of its components can be contained in one or various containers as easily interconnecting modules.

The developments undertaken in this project can be implemented in any part of the world with access to agricultural waste and biomass. It is especially interesting in situations where there exists an intense seasonal demand for energy and in isolated outposts where the distribution networks are inadequate and the transport of other fuel such as gas or diesel creates a difficult logistical problem. It is here where distributed power generation is most efficient

The principal clients for the system will be the food processing industry located in remotes places and with difficult access to electricity (which has a negative impact on the prices of their products). The waste products from these industries will be the raw materials that can be used for power production.

This project is being carried out by the consortium led by COBRA with the participation of GAMMA SOLUTIONS, MARLE, AUSCULTIA y GESTIONA GLOBAL.
“The project is supported by the CDTI, co-financed by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.”

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Data center (CDP) modular and monitorable

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Caceres, Spain


Data center (CDP) modular and monitorable


No data



The general object of this project presented at the INNTERCONECTA conference consisted of designing, manufacturing and implementing a new prototype for a modular, monitorable and mobile, Data Center (CDP) that allows testing and controlling all the factors that influence its energy consumption in order to maximize its efficiency and minimize the effects experienced by buildings that house CDPs (energy consumption, noise, vibrations, radiation, wiring, etc.).. The demonstrating CPD was located inside a high-cube sea container, which in turn was physically located in the minimally invasive surgery center in Cáceres. All software used was free and all sensors were managed through arduous. The air conditioning was controlled by a cold aisle - hot aisle and and by using fan convectors on racks to enable cooling. The interior of the container was insulated with Teva paneling and the exterior was painted with special anti-thermal paint. The participants in the project were SET, TEKNICAM, ASELCOM y COBRA, and as OPI´s Cenit-Computaes, Intromac, Universidad de Extremadura and Cetiex. The role of COBRA was that of consortium coordination and project management.

“The project was co-financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, through the CDTI and by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)”.

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Electric vehicle charging points

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Electric vehicle charging points


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Improvements in the processes of electric vehicles and fleet management.

The aim of Plug & Charge is the development of a comprehensive solution that streamlines and optimizes the current processes related to the recharging of electric vehicles. Furthermore Plug & Charge seeks to identify and provide new channels of communication to obtain information during the charging process and when the car is in motion. The intention is to close the circle between the different stakeholders involved or who might be involved in the management of fleet vehicle recharging.

A new generation of recharging systems are being developed for electric vehicles that permit communication between the vehicle (based on the standard  ISO/IEC 15118 or using private protocols) and the management system (based on the standard OCPP that provides an interface for the communication with the electronic vehicle based on the standard ISO 15118).

The ultimate goal is to make available a management systems product based on a single standard protocol, that is in addition adaptable and can be customized and meets the business requirements marked within the project.

This project is being developed in collaboration with AYESA (coordinator) and MOVELCO.

“Project co-financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the CDTI, and by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)”.

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Power electronics

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Power electronics


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 Advanced Modular Compensator System for the control of high-voltage transmission networks with ultra-capacitors.

The aim of the AMCOS project is to facilitate the development of an efficient European electricity transmission network. It seeks to provide an efficient technological solution for stakeholders responsible for guaranteeing the quality and stability of the electricity system. The solutions proposed by AMCOS will contribute to providing an innovative response to the technical and technological needs of electricity transmission networks from an economic, social and environmental perspective. /p>

The objects of the project are to design, build, test and certify a compact modular prototype of a hybrid FACTS device, applicable to electricity transmission networks with fast integrated storage systems, ultra-capacitors or other technologies with similar voltage compensation and frequency characteristics. This integration with fast response storage systems will permit the tackling of problems of stability in the electricity network that arise from the connection and disconnection of high voltage equipment.

Las siguientes características innovadoras están incluidas dentro del proyecto AMCOS: solución compacta, modularidad, fiabilidad, capacidad de control inteligente. En el proyecto se incluyen los últimos avances del estado de la técnica de dispositivos electrónicos de potencia junto con métodos innovadores y rentables para mejorar la eficiencia de la red.

The following innovative characteristics form a part of the AMCOS project: a compact solution, modularity, reliability, capacity for intelligent control. The project includes the latest advances in the state of the art in power electronics together with innovative and profitable methods for the improvement of network efficiency. The AMCOS project, with a solid base of previous testing and development at lower voltage and power levels, aims to achieve a TRL6 development level and the ability to demonstrate the functionality of the system in laboratory conditions that are similar to those found in a real operating situation. To this end AMCOS focuses on three main pillars: planning, operating and system components.

“Project co-financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the CDTI and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).”

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Hydraulic power plant

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Alta Verapaz, Guatemala


Hydraulic power plant


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Own funding

The design of a new structural solution for hydraulic tunnels in karst terrain. The structural solution is based on the construction of a tubular steel lining located in the interior of the current tunnel, supported throughout its length over a concrete bed of geometric characteristics. In order to resist the forces caused as a consequence of the horizontal changes indirection through the pipeline, concrete ribs were designed and located at points that coincided with the changes of the direction of the pipeline. Finally longitudinal anchor points between the pipeline and the existing tunnel were added to both ends of the tubing. Objectives: Tecnical:

  • The development of new efficient construction processes aimed to overcoming the problems of stability caused by the tensile state of stress suffered in cross sections of a tunnel constructed in karst terrains and to optimize the hydraulic flow conditions.
  • The reduction of head loss caused by friction in conduction.
  • The reduction of costs related to grout injection inside the tunnels.
Strategic and commercial:
  • The consolidation of COBRA Infrastructuras Hidráulicas in national and international tendering.
  • Positioning of COBRA Infraestructuras Hidráulicas as a reference in the construction and operation of hydroelectric infrastructures.
  • Pipelines formed by two 7,3 km tunnels with cross sections of between 14,86 m² and 29 m². A 18.3 m high, 75 m long, and 13,000 m³ concrete dam.
  • Construction of 1,180 m of a rectangular canal measuring 7.20 x 4.5 m.
  • Regulating reservoir and sand trap with a capacity for 78,000 m³.
  • Installation of 400 m of steel pipe with a diameter of 3,400 mm.
  • Power plant with 4 Pelton generatos of 28 MW each.
  • 230 kV substation and a 40 km long, 230 kV transmission line.
COBRA was responsible for the power plant construction starting the second phase, Renace II.

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Simulation model

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Simulation model


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Own funding

The main object of the project was the design and development of a new simulation model for thermal solar plants based on parabolic trough mirrors with the capacity of thermal storage in the form of molten salts.

This permitted the development and evaluation of new configurations for solar power plants based on a previously existing and functioning power plant and on operational trials used for these types of installations.

The strategy employed to reach these objectives was based in part on developing a virtual model based on data from an existing solar power plant and also by controlling the parameters the factors that influence both the correct working of the plant and also give the best energy efficiency and overall yield. The final goal was, by means of a  development model, to design solar power plants with the optimum energy efficiency, depending on their location, characteristics and based on the know how acquired.

The objects of the project were the following:

  • Core development. Solar field connection pipelines to exchangers, oil-salts and steam-salt exchangers, thermal storage in molten salts, auxiliary natural gas boilers, power blocks etc.
  • New configuration development
    • Parabolic trough collector model with molten salts as exclusive heat transfer fluid.
    • Hybrid generation system, solar-turbine with biogas or solar plant with MED (desalination by evaporation).
    • Associated thermal solar plant with a inverse osmosis system for desalination and/or water treatment.

Within the context of a transient system simulation tool, that chosen for the development of the simulation model was TRNSYS. Based on this tool a complete simulation model was developed comprising of different models and types (plant component simulation models).

The COBRA development model allowed the development and evaluation of concentration solar plants such as those currently developed by the group.

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Wind Offshore Floating

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Wind Offshore Floating





TELWIND is a 3-year project supported by the EC H2020 program beginning in 2016. It consists of the development of a ground-breaking buoyant platform for offshore wind, which allows to make a qualitative leap in the lowering of the construction and installation costs, thanks to its innovative system of telescopic tower and multi-body geometry of the buoyant substructure, where one of the bodies submerges ballasting the structure, improving the dynamic response and the stability of the whole. The main role of CORBA is to analyze the competitiveness and commercial viability of the solution. COBRA is also responsible for the business model and the environmental, social economic analysis.
“The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654634”.

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The objectives of the project are the following:

1) To convert the STAGE consortium in an institution of reference for investigation into CSP in Europe providing both the European Commission and industry a “natural open door” for the transfer of technology and investment in R&D in this field. To this end the intention is to achieve the alignment of different national European investigation programs into CSP, avoiding overlapping or duplicating studies and research projects and assuring the synchronization of programs offered by the Commission.

2)  The development of a wide number of coordinated and integrated activities in order to mark the ground rules for long-term cooperation in the framework of European investigation in various areas: Joint actions to promote the use of existing investigation installations in order to give them a Europe wide importance and to foster the access of the scientific and industrial communities. Activities aimed at transferring knowledge to reinforce the collaboration with industry. The promotion of activities to foster International corporation.

3)  Investigation activities that cover the whole technological spectrum surrounding CSP thermal storage: materials for solar receivers and components for CSP, solar fuels, CSP + desalination.

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The main objective of MUSTEC Project will be to assess existing barriers and drives for supplying firm electricity from southern European countries to central and northern European countries using concentrated solar power plant (CSP). Under the scope of promote and improve the cooperation mechanism among member state of the European Union, solutions are explored and proposed in order to overcome barriers and factors that are harming business development opportunities.

The project will be carried out in two time scales: present and future. To this end, the following aspects are considered: energy policies, electricity markets, socioeconomic impact as well as added value of concentrated solar power energy at economic and environmental level through case studies of operating plants and future promising configurations.

The major target of this project will be to fix guidelines for the development of new concentrated solar power projects that will be adapted to the requirements of electrical exchanges between different countries, in particular, those countries with a good solar resource and other with a low penetration of dispatchable renewable energy.

Project consortium will be made up of Centro De Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas – CIEMAT, The University ff Piraeus Research Center, Eidgenoessische Echnische Hochschule Zürich, Technische Universitaet Wien, European Solar Thermal Electricity Association, Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios S.A., Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.V., Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas y el Real Instituto Elcano.


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CSP with molten salts

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Manchasol, Ciudad Real, Spain


CSP with molten salts





The principal objective of the MSLOOP 2.0 project is to make a step forward in the development of thermal solar energy technology (CCP) using ternary salts as heat transfer fluids. This new development will allow the optimization of the prototype, previously developed by COBRA, leading to the commercialization stage.

In order to achieve this objective COBRA is leading the MSLOOP 2.0 project in conjunction with a pioneering consortium which includes the major links in the supply chain necessary to take this technology to the commercial market. To go beyond the current phase and raise the present prototype from TRL6 to TRL9, the MSLOOP 2.0 project has fixed the following specific objectives:

  • Research and development to details level, improvements in all components of the existing prototype: salts, piping, structures, auxiliary systems and operation in conjunction with HYSOL.
  • Carry out tests to optimize plant operations and verify the theoretical results previously carried out.
  • Certification of the prototype prior to upscaling to commercial standards.
  • Demonstrate the financial viability of the technology for later implementation in commercial plants.

Within the consortium COBRA leads the management of the project, the assembly of new improvements, operation and systems testing, commercial operating planning and the circulation of results with a special interest in the commercial potential of the technology. Furthermore COBRA supervises and channels the improvements proposed by the participating partners for the development of system components and the upscaling of these for commercial purposes.

Project website:

“The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730609”.

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New CSP configuration with molten salts

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New CSP configuration with molten salts





The main objective of MOSAIC project will be to develop an innovative concentrated solar power plant configuration. This new configuration aims to improve concentration rate achieving temperature of 565°C in the heat transfer fluid enhancing the performance ratio.

Solar field will be fix without tracking system since receiver will track the sunray lights though an innovative system. Furthermore, solar field will be a semi-Fresnel spherical configuration with mirrors curved in two axis. The future plants will work with a thermal energy storage system (TES) operating as single heat transfer fluid molten salts.

The scope of MOSAIC project include design, prototype construction and validation looking for a cost reduction against current State-of-the-art. COBRA will analysis the competiveness of this new technology, whereas the company is involved in the design and construction as well.

Cobra's participation in the project consists mainly of analyzing the competitiveness of the technology developed and the coordination of the activities of construction and start-up of the prototype.

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Hybridization CSP with gas turbine

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Manchasol, Ciudad Real, Spain


Hybridization CSP with gas turbine


No data



The HYSOL project focused on overcoming the limitations of the CSP technology in order to increase its contribution to the global electricity by means of hybridization with gas turbines to achieve a stable output and 100% reliability in all meteorological conditions. The HYSOL plant was conceived to validate the use of 100% renewable energies (biogas derived from biomass is used) for the production of firm and reliable electricity delivery. This set up represents the the highest contribution of solar energy in a hybrid power plant to date.

The result of the HYSOL project was a new technology of almost commercial standards for solar hybrid combined cycles (SHCC). In order to achieve this pre-commercial design the consortium validated the demonstrator under different operating conditions and the viability of the project in different locations. The experience acquired from the operation of the demonstrator in Mancahsol (Spain) has aided in the optimization and validation of all the simulation tools (these are the basis for future engineering works), the system control logic and the operational methods for future commercial plants.

COBRA as the leader of the project under took the coordination, integration, engineering and construction of the prototype in addition to the project O&M.

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308912”.

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Renewable Hybrid Plants (CSP + PV + GT + GT + HYSOL + Battery)

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Renewable Hybrid Plants (CSP + PV + GT + GT + HYSOL + Battery)





GRIDSOL incorporates different renewable energy technologies together in a hybrid electrical power generation plant capable of providing firmness to the electrical system through flexible production and network stability.

Throughout the project different configurations for Smart Renewable Hubs (hybrid generation plants), were evaluated through the combination of different technologies such as CSP, PV, wind, batteries, biogas turbines and HYSOL. Among the configurations evaluated is GRIDSOL (CSP + PV + HYSOL+ batteries) based on hybrid solar plants. This configuration will be further evaluated in locations with high levels of sunshine.

The principal points of innovation developed during the GRIDSOL project are the Dynamic Output Manager of Energy (DOME) and the concept of the CSP multi-tower plant. DOME will permit the design of plants equipped with different renewable technologies that are adaptable to the requirements of the system operator and will provide a seamless delivery of energy. As far as the multi-tower concept is concerned this increases the efficiency of CSP plants, reduces the technology costs and increases the modular nature of the plants.

The main aim of the GRIDSOL project is the design of hybrid power generation plants. These power plants will store energy to give greater flexibility and improve the competitive edge of renewable technologies by achieving an optimum technical-economic production and providing added value compared to conventional energy sources.

COBRA will be responsible both leading the management of the project and for the publication and communication of the project’s principal results.

Project website:

“The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 727362”

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“0” Spacing heliostats (Backlash Zero)

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PSA solar platform, Almeria. Spain


“0” Spacing heliostats (Backlash Zero)


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The Grand Solar project was born from the desire to make a quantitative leap forward in the technology applied to thermal solar plants with concentration towers. The objective of the project was to develop new technologies to perfect heliostat (sun tracker) specifications, in concentration tower thermal solar plants. The final aim is to create models that will lead to the development of power plants with a capacity of 100 MW or more.

The general objectives were:Research and development into heliostats with “0” spacing and a greater net surface area.

To increase the distance from the receiving tower to 1500 meters in contrast to the 800 meters achieved with the older technology.

The development of a series of characterization tools for heliostats in relation to the surface area and the possible the deformations produced by wind and gravity as well as the distance from the target tower.

Bearing in mind the peculiarities of the new development in terms of size, wind resistance and the effects of gravity and the distance to the target, it was necessary to have a complete characterization that ensured correct functioning. The proposed characterization system was based on a ray tracing program that allow the optimization of each heliostat, by taking as reference chosen heliostats and their position in relation to the tower and in the design phase through the optimum configuration for collecting of energy. COBRA has great experience in the installation of electric power plants and in particular in solar energy and as such led in the aspects of installation of the large size heliostats, those with a surface area of 2 by 1.6 m, each with its own edge and reflection characteristics.
“The project was co-financed by the CDTI in Spain”.

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Floating solutions for deep water turbines

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Canary Islands, Spain


Floating solutions for deep water turbines


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New solutions for floating platforms and innovative technology associated with the energy evacuation and network integration for floating maritime wind farms.

FLOCAN TO GRID emerges as a strategy for the investigation and development of the technical and economic viability of two floating technologies at full scale in addition to that of the necessary energy evacuation infrastructure and subsequent integration in the power grid in typical operating conditions along with the tools needed to define the operational logistics associated with the life cycle of an infrastructure located in an adverse environment.

The technologies to be developed in the project are robust, efficient, floating solutions for turbines from 5MW to 8MW for deeper water usage and aimed at mass production. These will minimize the operations in deep sea environments with human, economic and environmental risks. In addition, by having two solutions, all the necessary elements for the general power evacuation from an offshore farm will be studied, differing from other ad-hoc defined evacuation solutions for a single prototype. In this way, all concepts will be integrated in the global development for operations associated with multi-megawatt wind production in deep water as a new sustainable and renewable resource.

[wpv-autop]The results of this project are aimed at developing the first experimental marine wind farm, called FLOCAN5, located in the Canary Islands. The innovation associated with the project will be technically and economically viable in the medium term, with the aim of achieving market acceptance and of fostering the creation of highly valuable knowledge and new competitive industrial capacities associated with the priorities of  Objective Horizon 2020.

The consortium led by COBRA Instalaciones y Servicios,  provides a response to the needs of the sector through this strategic positioning in this new industry.

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IMDEA Energy Institute. Mostoles, Madrid


No data


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The expected result from this project is the development of an advanced on-line measurement system for solar flux in concentrating thermal-solar power plants that use central receiver or tower technology.

The objectives of the project for commercial solar power plants are the following:

  • The development of specific point sensors (optical and/or thermal) for the precise and robust measurement of concentrated solar radiation in the conditions expected in commercial plants.
  • The combination of specific measurement systems (sensors, thermocouples) with other systems capable of global measurements or estimations over large areas (cameras VIS and IR).
  • Integrating these systems into the design of solar receivers in tower plants.
  • Analysis and evaluation of the integration of the measurement system in the plants control system.

The development of this technology will provide COBRA with a significant commercial advantage in the area of thermal solar energy not only through the durability of the key plant components (solar receivers) but also through their efficiency, which will bring about a reduction in energy production costs and will make a positive contribution to the competitiveness of the company at an international level.

This project has been co-financed by the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) in the 2016 FEDER-INNTERCONECTA program. The total budget of the project is 2,629,447€.

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Flow batteries and hybrid plants

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Eastern Europe


Flow batteries and hybrid plants





Crossbow is a project is led by ETRA, with the participation a further 24 European members, among them industrial companies, electronic systems operators, battery suppliers, universities and R&D centers. COBRA forms part of this consortium and  leads the work packages 2.2 + 8.3. These working groups will undertake the designs of new hybrid power plants (wind, PV and batteries etc.) and tests on a new flow battery. Furthermore the operating plan and the business models for the results will be drawn up. Crossbow fosters the use of shared resources to promote the cross-border operating of renewable energies and storage units thus allowing a greater penetration of clean energies and at the same time reducing network operating costs. The object is to demonstrate that a variety of different but complementary technologies can offer systems operators greater flexibility and reliability: 1) Through an improved control over the cross-border average energy balance at the point of connection.

2) Through new storage solutions both distributed and centralized, that offer auxiliary services for the purpose of virtual storage plants (VSP).

3) Solutions TIC for an improved monitoring of networks that allow flexible production and DSM.

4) The specification of a transnational wholesale market that fosters a fair and sustainable profit for clean energy through the definition of new business models that promote the entry of new participants and the reduction of costs.

COBRA undertook the design for new hybrid plants combining different types of energy generation technology (photo voltaic, wind power,  hydraulic, biogas turbines / gas with HYSOL) and energy storage technology (lithium and flow batteries, hydraulic pumping storage).

COBRA also undertook a flow battery demonstrator to test performance in laboratory conditions. This included the evaluation of the increase in electricity produced by the battery and it's scalability from KWh to GWh.

Further responsibilities included: 1) The development of simulation tools for the creation of an electricity production profile aimed at assessing the commercial competitiveness of the energy storage technologies. 2) Plans for commercialization. 3) Business innovation strategies. 4) Contribution to the development of the normative. 5) Creating business models for the regional control centers and new plans for the development of hybrids.

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Smart grid

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Barcelona, Spain


Smart grid


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BESOS is an European Union R&D project funded by the European Commission in the context of the 7th Framework Program (FP7) that proposes the development of an advanced, integrated, management system which enables energy efficiency in smart cities from a holistic perspective.

This project was born from the need to acquire better information about the independent management systems that exist in cities within different public services such as street lighting, district heating and electric vehicles etc. in order to achieve advanced coordinated energy saving strategies, as well as providing new business models. In order to obtain this advanced integrated system, a support system was created to help in the decision making that improves urban energy efficiency (Open Trustworthy Energy Service Platform), permitting a reduction in cost and guaranteeing the quality of services (QOS).

COBRA 's role in this project was to contribute with their experience in renewable energy generation and the interaction with the Spanish TSO in the development of the aforementioned platform.

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 608723”

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